November on the Garden – Prep Your Veg Beds for Success Next Year

You might think you’re done with your vegetable beds for the year, but if you want top results next year, now is the time when a few little bits of preparation work could yield big results come spring and make your life a whole lot easier.

Photo by Floyd Wilde / CC BY

Get rid of stubborn weeds

At this time of year the soil in yours beds is often too hard or too wet to be much fun working over. However, if you have any persistent weeds that you’d really like to see that back of there is any easy solution. Covering the soil in black plastic or even some old carpet prevents any sunlight getting to the weeds. This can stop them from growing and cause them to die back, saving you a lot of time weeding in the spring before you can start planting as well as keeping your veg garden looking tidy throughout the winter.

Improve your soil

The better the condition of your soil, the better produce you’ll be able to harvest next year. Now is the perfect time to take steps to improve your growing conditions and especially to replace vital nutrients that last year’s crops will have absorbed from the soil. A good, all-round organic fertiliser such as Poultry Manure Pellets can be added now and will break down and work its way into the soil ready for spring planting.

Photo by Kyle / CC BY

Build a raised bed

If you spend a lot of time working on your garden, a little back pain from time to time is hard to avoid. However, you could take some of the strain out of your gardening by building a raised bed. This can be as cheap or expensive as you like, with gravel boards being a relatively cheap, hard-wearing and long lasting option that will easily allow you to raise the height of your bed or beds. The advantage of gravels boards is you can start with a single layer, raising the height of your beds by around six inches, then add more layers later as you have access to more soil and organic matter to build up the height of your bed.

If you’d like to know more about getting the most out of your garden and have any specific questions, please feel free to ask John or call us on  0117 311 1217 for more general advice of to place and order.


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