Handy hints for growing perfect vegtables
- Practice a three-year rotation of crops to achieve bumper yields, avoid a build-up of root pests and diseases and make full use of manures and fertilisers.
- Sow seeds in spring when soil temperature is above 10°C (50°F) and you can rake it to a crumbly tilth.
- Work in Proctors Growmore and Blood, Fish & Bone fertiliser before sowing or planting to speed up growth and encourage weighty and early yields.
- Shield early sowings from cold winds, heavy rain and pests by covering them with plastic tunnel cloches or polypropylene film.
- Work in soil insecticide before sowing if wireworms, milipedes and other soil pests are a problem.
- Thin lettuce, spinach and seakale beet seedings early, and at intervals, before they jostle for space and grow weak and leggy.
- Enrich the soil with Proctors Garden and Potato fertiliser where root crops are to be grown.
- Hoe regularly to behead seedling weeds before they emerge
- Water freely in dry weather to encourage robust growth, and conserve soil moisture by spreading black plastic or 3" of garden compost or old manure between rows.
- Harvest crops at their prime;
- Peas and beans when pods are full but seeds bulge through.
- Sweetcorn when kernels are filled with think creamy juce.
- Beetroot before they are cricket ball sized.
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Soil Testing Service
Instructions on how to take your soil test, sample bag, and pre-paid envelope to send sample direct to independent lab. Test is for Phosphate, Potash, Magnesium and pH.
Results and recommendations are then sent via email.
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Spring & Summer Lawn Feed 11-5-5 20kg Bag
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Spring & Summer Lawn Feed 11-5-5 500kg (25x20kg Bags)
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